Following Mandelstam, we consider the asymptotic properties of a certain function F(s, l) relevant to the problem of analytic continuation of the partial-wave amplitude T(s, l) by the ND method. As a function of s, F(s, l) is defined to have only the left-hand (0>~s>~) discontinuity of T(s, l). A representation for F(s, l), suitable for discussing its asymptotic properties, is obtained. It is shown that for large l, F(s, l) must fall off at least as fast as |l|12 if s is above threshold. By virtue of crossing symmetry, the s-asymptotic behavior of the left-hand discontinuity is related to the behavior of At(s, t), the absorptive part of the scattering amplitude in the t channel, as s and/or t tend to infinity. If At(s, t) is bounded by tα for fixed s, then, under certain assumptions, it is possible to show that F(s, l) is bounded by sγ where γ is the larger of (αl1, -1). A more stringent bound on the asymptotic behavior of F(s, l), although not ruled out, can be established only if one knows the detailed structure of At(s, t). It is suggested that in the absence of crossing symmetry, e.g., in potential scattering, the left-hand discontinuity may behave asymptotically as stipulated by Mandelstam so that analytic continuation of T(s, l) by the ND method would be possible.