Corrosion-Fatigue Performance of Hip Nails: The Influence of Materials Selection and Design

Corrosion-fatigue performance is evaluated for several Jewett-type hip nails of different design tested in Ringer's solution. Other devices of similar design fabricated from Type 316L stainless steel and Ti-6AI-4V are tested as well. Microstructural and fractographic analyses of all devices are also performed. Present results confirm initial observations that the corrosion-fatigue performance of large-plate Jewetts exceeds that of small-plate devices. Devices of similar design except for the placement of the proximal screw hole in a centered or offset position are evaluated; the latter devices improved corrosion-fatigue performance. Comparison of Jewetts of similar design reveals that the corrosion-fatigue performance of the Ti-6AI-4V devices markedly exceeds that of the Type 316L, even in the presence of substantial fretting and wear.