This is the first of a series of papers dealing with the monogenetic trematodes of fishes from Westhampton Lake, Richmond, Va. Urocleidus doloresi from the gills of the Warmouth bass, Chaenobryttus coronarius, and Octomacrum microconfibula from the gills of the eastern golden shiner, Notemigonus c. crysoleucas. In the discussion of the latter species the term "center piece" is proposed to identify the median longitudinal supporting sclerite of the haptoral clamp. This report of O. microconfibula increases the number of known spp. in the genus Octomacrum to 2, thus strengthening the genus. A new technic of recovery, employing Chloretone (Parke-Davis) to relax the worms, is described, the use of Haupt''s adhesive is discussed, and a new, more satisfactory method of mounting unstained specimens in Euparal is given.