Observation ofB¯0D0π0andB¯0D*0π0

We have studied the color-suppressed hadronic decays of neutral B mesons into the final states D(*)0π0. Using 9.67×106 BB¯ pairs collected with the CLEO detector, we observe the decays B¯0D0π0 and B¯0D*0π0 with the branching fractions B(B¯0D0π0)=(2.740.32+0.36±0.55)×104 and B(B¯0D*0π0)=(2.200.52+0.59±0.79)×104. The first error is statistical and the second systematic. The statistical significance of the D0π0 signal is 12.1σ ( 5.9σ for D*0π0). Utilizing the B¯0D(*)0π0 branching fractions we determine the strong phases δI,D(*) between isospin 1/2 and 3/2 amplitudes in the Dπ and D*π final states to be cosδI,D=0.89±0.08 and cosδI,D*=0.89±0.08, respectively.

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