Large-Nbehavior for independent-value models

Highly specialized, N-component, scalar model quantum field theories invariant under O(N) transformations are studied in the limit of large N. The models are expressd in n-dimensional Euclidean space-time and differ from conventional covariant quantum models by the absence of all space-time gradients, a modification that leads to nonrenormalizable O(N)-invariant interactions for each N1. These models are solved by nonperturbative techniques, and the solutions exhibit two striking and unfamiliar properties: (1) For finite (or infinite) N, the solutions of any interacting theory do not reduce to those of the free theory in the limit where the coupling of the nonlinear interaction vanishes; and (2) the relevant (asymptotic) dependence of the parameters of the interacting theories on N differs from the conventional choice, and the limit N does not lead to a Hartree-type solution. It is proposed that similar unconventional behavior may characterize certain O(N)-invariant, covariant nonrenormalizable quantum field theories, and in particular that the limit N may not lead to a Hartree (or Hartree-Fock) type of solution.