Preparation and Characterization of [C6H5CH2 NH3]2PbI4, [C6H5CH2CH2SC(NH2)2]3 PbI5 and [C10H7CH2NH3]PbI3 Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Compounds

The preparation, crystal structures, optical absorption spectra, and photoluminescence spectra of the title compounds are reported. The compounds were prepared in single crystal form. [C6H5CH2NH3]2PbI4 consists of anionic perovskite sheets of corner-sharing Pbl6 octahedra, which alternate with the C6H5CH2NH3 + sheets. [ C6H5CH2CH2SC(NH2)2]3 PbI5 consists of zig-zag chains of anionic corner sharing PbI6 octahedra separated by C6H5CH2CH2SC(NH2)2 cations. [C10H7CH2NH3]Pbl3 consists of twin chains of edge-sharing PbI6 octahedra separated by C10H7CH2NH3 cations. The compounds are thus low-dimensional systems. The excitonic spectra were observed in all cases, even at room temperature, and the possibility of organicinorganic excitonic interactions is discussed.

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