Some Physical‐kinetic Considerations in Penetration of Naphthaleneacetic Acid through Isolated Pear Leaf Cuticle

The penetration of naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) through enzymatically isolated pear leaf cuticle (Pyrus communis L. cv. Bartlett) is reported herein. Penetration of NAA increased with increasing lime and attained a steady state in approximately 20 minutes. The quantity of NAA penetrating was directly related to the concentration of the donor solution. NAA that penetrated the cuticle was shown to he unaltered. The Penetration of NAA from inside to outside is similar to that from outside to inside. Isolated stomatous lower cuticle permitted approximately 10‐foId greater penetration of NAA than the astomatous upper cuticle. The penetration of NAA through isolated pear leaf cuticle is highly temperature dependent, exhibiting a temperature coefficient (Q10) of about 5.6 between 15° and 25 C. The low quantities of chemicals penetrating through the isolated cuticle reported herein and elsewhere are considered to he a characteristic of the technique and not an absolute limitation of the cuticle. Cuticular penetration could account for physiological quantities of NAA entering the plant.