Neuropsychological impairment in pedophiles.

Heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual pedophiles were compared to nonviolent nonsex offenders using the Reitan Neuropsychological test battery, the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological test battery. Wechsler Adult Intelligiance scale, and CT scans. The men were classified into their groups based on criminal history, a standard Sex History assessment, and a phallometric test of erotic preference. Pedophiles tended to have lower IQ''s than controls and showed significantly more impairment on all measures. Left temporo-parietal pathology was noted more often for pedophiles. Results were not changed appreciably when history of alcohol and drug abuse or age variation were taken into account. The findings suggest that neuropsychological examination can provide useful and potentially discriminating information in pedophilia and should be considered an important supplement in clinical assessments of the disorder.