Depression Among Institutionalized Aged: Assessment and Prevalence Estimation

Aged nursing home and congregate apartment residents were screened for symptoms of depression and cognitive impairment. of 708 survey respondents, 12.4% met DSM-IIIR criteria (33) for major depression; about half this group also displayed significant cognitive deficits. Another 30.5% of the total sample reported less severe but nonetheless marked depressive symptoms. Such “minor” depressive syndromes were much more common among congregate housing than nursing home residents. Possible major depression was more prevalent among newly admitted residents of both housing components. Comparison of cognitively impaired vs intact respondents revealed that the two groups' self-reports of depression were equally internally consistent, and bore equivalent correlations with observer ratings made by interviewers and direct care staff. Checks of medical records of a group of survey nonrespondents (n = 203) indicated that, excepting the extremely demented, the active sample of 708 accurately represents institution residents as a whole. Finally, comparison with clinical diagnoses made by facility psychology and psychiatry department staff indicated good concurrent validity of research screening measures and methods.

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