Medical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral outcomes in school-age children conceived by In-Vitro Fertilization

Assessed long-term effects of assisted reproduction technologies of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and related techniques of embryo transfer (ET) on children's adjustment. 51 school-age Israeli children conceived by IVF/ET were compared with 51 control-matched children conceived spontaneously. The assessment included a comprehensive medical evaluation, a psychological examination, teachers' reports, parents' reports, and children's self-reports. As compared with controls, IVF/ET children did not reveal significant differences in physical and neurological status or on cognitive measures of IQ, visual-motor coordination, visual memory, and verbal comprehension. Nevertheless, the IVF/ET children were scored lower by teachers on measures of socioemotional adjustment in school and on self-report measures of anxiety, aggression, and depression. Among IVF/ET children, the tendency to be at a greater risk for emotional disturbances was exacerbated among boys and among children whose parents were older.