A discussion of the influence of the so-called essential food factor upon growth and cellulose-decomposing ability of Cellu-lomonas folia, a new species isolated by the author, to be described elsewhere. The changes in pH during fermentation proved to be a satisfactory criterion of physiological efficiency, which seems to depend upon the presence in the medium of "essential elements" furnished by accessory or stimulating factors. Sterile, unheated plant tissue added to a simple, nutrient salt solution provides this stimulating factor, and an increase in cellulose-destroying ability in this environment results. Extracts from sterile, unheated leaves and leaf compost, from seed and seedlings of alfalfa, barley, and buckwheat, and also from a preparation of vitamine B (?) (Vitamine-Harris), exerted a stimulating effect upon growth and physiological efficiency of C. folia.