Summary.: The present paper descirbes the morphology of the egg, larva, and pupa of the blood‐scuking Muscid Hématobia stimulans Meig., comparing the developmental stages with those of two other species of Stomoxydiná, Stomoxys calcitrans, and Lyperosia irritans. Interest centres chiefly in the cephalo‐phrayngeal skeleton, which is very much alike in the three species. It is shown that the Stomoxydiná possess two asymmetrical mouth‐hooks, the left one being much reduced in size and probably funcitonless. Attention is drawn to the presence of a dorsal epistomal sclerite furnished with two paris of sensillá. The smaller scllerites are descirbed in detail. The cephalo‐pharyngeal skeletons of Musca domestica and Calliphora erythrocephala have been studied for the sake of comparision with the Stomaoxydiná. The existenc of an epistomal sclerite with its characteristic sense‐organs in demonstrated in Musca and Calliphora, and even the smaller sclerites can be homologized with those of the Stomoxydiná. This suggests that it should be possible to trace the presence of the same sclerites in other Muscooidean genera, both saprophagous and carnivorous, but this would invelve investigations of a greater number of types.

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