Allozymic Differentiation Between Tolmiea menziesii and Tellima grandiflora (Saxifragaceae)

Tellima and Tolmiea are monotypic genera of Saxifrageae and part of a natural group that includes Conimitella, Heuchera, Mitella, and Tiarella. Natural intergeneric hybrids have been reported between several of these genera, including Conimitella and Mitella, Mitella and Tiarella, Tiarella and Heuchera, and Tellima and Tolmiea. Since members of this natural group are vegetatively very homogeneous and differ largely in flora morphology, the occurrence of hybrids between so many of these genera suggest that they may not be highly differentiated genetically. To test this hypothesis, Tellima grandiflora and Tolmiea menziesii were compared electrophoretically. Evidence from enzyme electrophoresis indicates a high degree of allozymic similarity between Tolmiea menziesii and Tellima grandiflora (I = 0.49). These two species are more highly differentiated than are species within genera of Saxifrageae, such as Heuchera and Sullivantia. However, the degree of allozymic differentiation between Tolmiea and Tellima appears comparable to that reported for congeneric species of other plant groups.