Comprehensive analysis of exertional ECG changes before and after oral propranolol

In 12 patients with symptomatic coronary heart disease and three normal persons, comprehensive analyses of the electrocardiographic changes associated with symptom-limited upright exercise are made by computer analysis of the electrocardiogram recorded using a Frank XYZ lead system. This analysis provided a display of the 12 lead ECG, vectorcardiogram, polarcardiogram, and spatial cardiogram and measurements of spatial magnitudes of heart vectors. The effect of 40 mg of oral propranolol was assessed by repeating the exercise protocol 60-90 min later. There is evidence that propranolol reduces the electrocardiographic features of myocardial ischemia. This reduction in myocardial ischemia correlates with reductions in pressure rate product and heart rate. The presence of infarct criteria with exercise is variable and not apparently influenced by propranolol.