Paramagnetic Hyperfine Structure and Relaxation Effects in Mössbauer Spectra:Fe57in FerrichromeA

The Mössbauer effect of Fe57 in the metalloprotein ferrichrome A (FA) has been investigated at temperatures between 0.98 and 300°K; in some cases the absorber was placed in an external field of 18 kOe, oriented perpendicular to the propagation direction. The polycrystalline paramagnetic sample exhibited temperature-, field-, and concentration-dependent magnetic hyperfine structure. At 0.98°K in zero field, a well-resolved six-line spectrum was observed. As the temperature was raised, the pattern coalesced until at 300°K only a single broad non-Lorentzian line was visible. The effect of an applied field was, at all temperatures, to noticeably sharpen the hfs pattern; and at 77°K or below eight lines were easily resolved. Changes of the spectra with temperature and field are attributed to electronic relaxation, and a model is used to calculate relaxation spectra. The model employs the modified Bloch equations as rate equations to describe fluctuations of an effective hyperfine field. The iron-iron separation was increased by dilution of some of the samples in ethyl alcohol. As is well known from ESR work, spin-spin interactions decrease on dilution: a sharpening of the spectrum resulted. The importance of using solutions in studying Mössbauer spectra of biologically interesting Fe3+ compounds is demonstrated. Some of the consequences of paramagnetic hyperfine interactions for Mössbauer spectroscopy are discussed. Differences between the effective hyperfine field and the interaction AI·S are noted, as are certain analogies between Mössbauer and optical spectroscopy, under the AI·S interaction. From previous ESR work the electronic spin Hamiltonian for FA was found to be of the form D[Sz213 S(S+1)]+E[Sx2Sy2]. Rather complex hyperfine spectra are predicted for Fe3+ with this spin Hamiltonian, and representative spectra are illustrated. It is shown that these spectra, expected in the absence of spin-spin interaction, would be sufficient to determine the ratio ED of the spin-Hamiltonian parameters; this illustrates the complementary nature of ESR and Mössbauer spectra of the same system.