Determination of39Kscattering lengths using photoassociation spectroscopy of the0gstate

Threshold scattering properties of 39K atoms are extracted from a line-shape analysis of photoassociation data. Specifically, we consider the rovibrational levels (v=06) populated in the photoassociation process K(4S)+K(4S)+ħωK2*[0g(v,J)]. The measured spectra exhibit several general trends, including large J=2 linewidths, large relative J=4 peak intensities, and odd rotational lines which are weak or missing. The even J features signal the presence of a d-wave shape resonance in the ground-state collisions. The combination of spectral features allows us to place the following limits on the ground-state singlet and triplet scattering lengths, as=1409+6 a.u. and at=170.045(C6C6)±25 a.u., C6=3800 a.u.