Trace Metal and Pesticide Levels in Muskoxen from Victoria Island, Northwest Territories, Canada

Tissue and blood samples were collected from muskoxen harvested in 1989 on Victoria Island, Northwest Territories. Liver and kidney were tested for trace elements and toxic metals, and fat and serum were tested for residues of organochlorine pesticides. Copper, manganese, and zinc levels were in the range considered adequate for sheep and cattle. Selenium levels in the muskoxen (liver mean value, 0.10 μg g−1, kidney mean value, 0.36 μg g−1) would be considered deficient in sheep and cattle. No elevated levels of toxic metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury) were found. All fat samples tested contained hexachlorobenzene (mean value, 45.4 ng g−1) and 97% of the fat samples contained trace levels of α-hexachlorocyclohexane (mean value, 5.1 ng g−1). Twelve percent of the serum samples contained hexachlorobenzene (mean value, 2.8 ng g−1). Hexachlorobenzene levels in the fat of some unweaned calves exceeded tolerance levels set in Canada for food animals.