Synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and protein was determined in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during amino acid and pyrimidine starvation and during shift-up and shift-down conditions. During amino acid starvation, cell mass, cell number, and RNA continued to increase for varying periods. During amino acid and pyrimidine starvation, cell mass and RNA showed little increase, whereas total DNA increased 11 to 17%. After a shift from broth medium to a minimal defined medium, increase in RNA and protein remained at the preshift rate before assuming a lower rate. DNA increase remained at an intermediate rate during shift-down, and then dropped to a low rate. During shift-up from minimal to broth medium, increase in cell number, protein, and DNA showed varying lag periods before increasing to the new rate characteristic of broth medium; each of these quantities exhibited a step sometime in the first 2 hr after transfer to rich medium, suggesting a partial synchronous division. Immediately after shift-up, RNA synthesis assumed a high rate, and then dropped to a rate characteristic of growth in the rich medium after about 1 hr.