Thyroglobulin-Iodine in Thyroid Tumors

The levels of thyroglobulin and protein-bound iodine were estimated in extracts of 15 samples of normal thyroid gland, toxic goiter, thyroid adenoma and carcinoma. The iodine content of thyroglobulin was 0.16–0.34% in the normal or pathologic thyroid tissue concentrating iodine at the time of examination (as evidenced by scintigraphy in vivo). In extracts of tumorous tissue without radioiodine uptake the thyroglobulin-iodine was 1/10 to 1/1000 of normal. In all cases of thyroid carcinoma with this poorly iodinated thyroglobulin, radioiodine uptake became detectable after total thyroidectomy. These findings agree with experimental data according to which iodination occurs on preformed non-iodinated thyroid protein.