Entangling Distant Atoms by Interference of Polarized Photons

We propose a scheme to generate the entangled state of two Λ-type three-level atoms trapped in distant cavities by using interference of polarized photons. Two possible spontaneous emission channels of each excited atom result in a coherent superposition of the states of two atoms. The subsequent detection of the different polarized photons reveals that both atoms are in different ground states, but an interference effect prevents us from distinguishing which atom is in which ground state; the atoms are thus entangled. In comparison with the original proposal of interference-induced entanglement [C. Cabrillo, J. Cirac, P. Garcia-Fernandez, and P. Zoller, Phys. Rev. A 59, 1025 (1999)], in our scheme the weakly driven condition is not required, and the influence of atomic excitement and atomic recoil on the entanglement fidelity can be eliminated.