Das NMR-Spektrum des α-Methyloxepins und seine Temperaturabhängigkeit

The nmr-spectrum of α-methyl-oxepin (V) in different solvents is discussed and its changes with temperature are interpreted on the basis of a fast, reversible equilibrium between V and its valencetautomer toluene-1-oxide (VII). From shift- and intensity-measurements follows ⊿Η° (=HV 0-HVII 0) =0.4±0.2 kcal/mole and ⊿S°(=SV 0-SVII 0) =5.0±1.2 e. u. Lineshape-measurements in the region between -80 and -127 °C yield the Arrheniusparameters EVII=9.2 ±0.7 kcal/mole, log AVII = 14.2 ±0.9 and EV=8.7 ±0.7 kcal/mole, logAV= 13.1 ±0.9 respectively. The results are compared with those of the benzeneoxide-oxepin equilibrium and discussed with respect to related systems.

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