Probe curves and their second derivatives are automatically plotted for a small spherical probe going through a double layer (DL) at the opening of a hollow hot oxide cathode in a discharge in pure Ne of about 1 Torr. The cathode emission electrons are accelerated toward the DL in its fringe fields. Between cathodesurface and DL, the electrons behave approximately according to the ``accelerated half‐Maxwellian''; in the DL they are accelerated to energies equivalent to the metastable Ne levels near 16.5 V. A region of strong excitation and ionization (``ball of fire'') forms just outside the cathode opening. The cathode emission electrons enter the ball of fire as a ``fast group,'' superimposed on the approximately Maxwellian slow group of the ball of fire plasma. The development of potential, density, and e spectrum is discussed.

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