Nonconjugative plasmids were transferred by protoplast fusion among Streptococcus faecalis strains and from Streptococcus sanguis to S. faecalis. S. faecalis protoplasts were also transformed with several different plasmids, including the Tn917 delivery vehicle pTV1. Transformation was reproducible, but low in frequency (10(-6) transformants per viable protoplast). A new shuttle vector (pAM610), able to replicate in Escherichia coli and S. faecalis, was constructed and transformed into S. faecalis protoplasts. pAM610 was mobilized by the conjugative plasmid pAM beta 1 in matings among S. faecalis strains and from S. sanguis to S. faecalis. Chimeric derivatives of pAM610 were also transformed into S. faecalis.