QCD resummation and heavy quark cross sections

In this dissertation a detailed analysis of heavy quark production is given with an emphasis on the resummation of soft gluon corrections. First we calculate the production cross sections for top quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron and for bottom quark production at fixed-target $pp$ experiments, and in particular HERA-B. We consider both the order $\alpha_s^3$ cross sections and the resummation of soft gluon corrections in all orders of QCD perturbation theory. Then we calculate the inclusive transverse momentum and rapidity distributions for top quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron and bottom quark production at HERA-B. We give both $\alpha_s^3$ and resummed results. Finally, we discuss the resummation of distributions that are singular at the elastic limit of partonic phase space (partonic threshold) in QCD hard-scattering cross sections, such as heavy quark production. We show how nonleading soft logarithms exponentiate in a manner that depends on the color structure within the underlying hard scattering. This result generalizes the resummation of threshold singularities for the Drell-Yan process, in which the hard scattering proceeds through color-singlet annihilation. We illustrate our results for the case of heavy quark production by light quark annihilation and gluon fusion, and also for light quark production through gluon fusion.

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