In a review of the recent literature 51 cases of polycystic kidney disease in stillborn infants or in infants not older than 19 mo. have been abstracted. Only four of the reports recorded post-mortem findings on the heart.1One of these showed autopsy evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy.1bIn no case report was there mention of electrocardiographic findings. It would therefore appear to be of value to present a case in which these findings are reported. REPORT OF A CASE G. B., a white boy, was born at the Hospital of St. Raphael as a fullterm normal delivery. No abnormalities were recorded at the time of birth, at discharge, or at circumcision when the infant was two weeks of age. Six weeks postpartum the infant was noticed to be irritable and to have slight frequency of urination and a low fever. When palpation of the child's abdomen disclosed