Localization of d-myoinositol 1:2-cyclic phosphate 2-phosphohydrolase in rat kidney

1. On subcellular fractionation of rat kidney homogenates by differential and density-gradient centrifugation, the bulk of the inositol 1:2-cyclic phosphate 2-phosphohydrolase activity remains with the alkaline phosphatase activity, suggesting localization in the brush borders of the proximal tubules. 2. Histochemical studies with a medium containing inositol 1:2-cyclic phosphate and Escherichia coli phosphomonoesterase show Gomori staining around the brush borders of the proximal tubules in the outer cortex only. 3. Serial sections across the kidney from cortex perimeter to papilla suggest that the inositol 1:2-cyclic phosphate 2-phosphohydrolase has a limited distribution along the proximal tubule of the nephron, probably being limited to the pars convoluta, whereas the alkaline phosphatase extends along the pars recta.