Compositional Model Studies – CO2 Oil-Displacement Mechanisms

This paper presents matches, using a fully compositional model, of the performances of seven laboratory CO2 displacements of a 10-component synthetic oil. The criteria for achieving a match of laboratory performance include (1) comparisons of predicted and experimentally determined oil recovery and (2) effluent compositional profiles for each component as functions of hydrocarbon pore volumes (HCPV) of CO2 injected. An equation of state was tuned to predict single-contact (PVT) phase equilibria for CO2/synthetic-oil mixtures. The model incorporates this equation of state to predict the multiple-contact phase equilibria during a CO2 displacement test. Input to the model were independently determined gas/oil relative permeability characteristics and – for each laboratory displacement – injection rate, effluent pressure, pore volume, and temperature. The experimental displacements were conducted in linear Berea core systems using a synthetic (C1-C14) oil at 120 and 150°F. Three displacements at 120°F have been published by Metcalfe and Yarborough.1 Previously, it was thought that these displacements were conducted at selected pressures so that oil displacements encompassed immiscible, multiple-contact miscible (MCM), and contact miscible mechanisms. However, the model results show that only contact miscible and MCM displacement mechanisms were involved. To confirm the mechanistic understanding at 120°F, three additional laboratory displacements were conducted at 150°F. These encompassed pressures such that the displacement was controlled by an immiscible, an MCM, and a contact miscible mechanism, respectively. The model results at 150°F match the ex-perimental data and confirm the mechanistic understanding. The experimental and numerical results are in agreement with the minimum miscibility pressure theory of Yellig and Metcalfe.2 The results of this study confirm the importance of experimentally determined effluent compositional profiles and fully compositional models for CO2 mechanism studies.

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