Comment on theππγContribution to the Absorptive Amplitude forKL→μμ¯

The contribution of the ππγ intermediate state to the absorptive part of the KLμμ¯S01 amplitude is reevaluated by allowing for more general dependence of the KLππγ invariant amplitude on the relevant Mandelstam variables than that considered in previous work. Allowance is also made for the corrections to the KLππγ rate, which arise due to the dependence of the experimental detection efficiency on the nature of the photon spectrum. For a wide range of variation of the behavior of the KLππγ amplitude, it is found that the ππγ contribution to the rate of KLμμ¯ decay (relative to that of the 2γ state) is less than 2-4%, if the pion electromagnetic form factor may be represented by (1smρ2)n, n3. Some pathological situations are also considered; in these cases the contribution can still be bounded by ten or fifteen percent as overestimated upper bounds.