The effect of 0.25% idoxuridine ointment on condyloma acuminatum of the vulva was investigated in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 24 women. Idoxuridine inhibits DNA synthesis in mammalian cells and is a specific inhibitor of DNA viruses. Of the 24 women with vulvar condyloma acuminatum, 14 applied idoxuridine ointment and 10 a placebo ointment to the lesions twice daily for 2 weeks. In 11 out of 14 patients treated with idoxuridine the condylomata regressed completely. The treatment did not cause any side-effects. None of the women in the placebo group showed regression of the condylomata. Topical idoxuridine therapy is effective and non-toxic; it appears to be most effective for new condylomata.