Regulation of spermatogenesis: The shark testis model

Spermatogenesis is a unique developmental sequence dependent on FSH and androgen. Due to the complex organization of the mammalian testis, however, mechanistic details of regulation are largely unknown. Using the dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias) in which there is a cystic mode of spermatogenesis and a topographic separation of different germ cell stages within the testis, we have obtained new information of general relevance on stage‐related biochemical and morphological changes and have proposed a model in which steroids serve as parahormonal regulators of the spermatogenic progression. In addition, techniques developed for culturing staged spermatocysts (intact Sertoli/germ cell units) and isolated, staged Sertoli cells demonstrate the usefulness of this model for studying spermatogenic regulation under defined conditions in vitro.