Data base management system for assisted reproduction

A substantial amount of data are generated from a single cycle of in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), or related techniques. Maintaining an accurate and timely record of the flow of information is complicated by provision of service to many patients concurrently, diverse origins of data, and the use of donor sperm, donor oocytes, and/or cryopreservation. We have developed a data base management system for use on a network of personal computers that takes into account the volume, intricacy, and specialized features of data generated by IVF and GIFT programs. The major products of the system are (1) compact, individual patient reports on virtually all details of each treatment cycle; (2) reports on aggregate data (e.g., monthly, quarterly, or yearly); (3) automated summaries for submission to the American Fertility Society National Registry; and (4) creation of raw data files of user-specified variables that could be used for statistical analysis.