Intraperitoneal amyloid formation by amyloid enhancing factor — rich macrophages in ascitic fluid

Although resident peritoneal cells from amyloidotic mice (amyloidotic peritoneal cells) are capable of processing the precursor protein of secondary amyloidosis, serum amyloid A (SAA) to amyloid fibrils, the peritoneum is a rare site for amyloid deposition. This is considered to be due to a deficiency of SAA in the peritoneum. To increase the supply of SAA to the peritoneum, ascitic fluid containing about the same protein constituents as in the serum was induced in mice. Amyloidotic peritoneal cells were packed in a microchamber which was shielded with filter membranes, and cultured in ascitic fluid supplemented with additional inflammatory factors. On the 7th day, Congo red-positive structures which showed green birefringence under polarized light were found inside and occasionally outside the chamber. By anti-AA or -SAA immunostaining, amyloid deposits and the cell surfaces of macrophages were positive. Immunologic depletion of T-and B-lymphocytes from the amyloidotic peritoneal cells did not adversely effect the amyloid formation in microchambers. These results suggest that either ascitic fluid containing sufficient amounts of SAA, or peritoneal macrophages with a high amyloid enhancing factor (AEF) activity are indispensable for AA amyloid fibrillogenesis in the peritoneum.