Optical Ionization-Excitation Functions of Helium by Electron Impact

The cross sections for the production of the 3203 Å (n=53), 2733 Å (n=63), 2511 Å (n=73) lines of He+ by ionization-excitation collisions between electrons and neutral atoms have been measured over the energy range of 0 to 350 eV. All three excitation functions have their maximum values near 230 eV and show the same general shape as that of the 4686 Å (n=43) line. The Born approximation was used to compute the direct ionization-excitation cross sections of the nS, nP, and nD states of the He+ ions (n=5, 6, and 7) from which the theoretical excitation cross sections of the 3203, 2733, and 2511 Å lines are obtained. In all cases the nS3P transition accounts for 90% of the total radiation of the n3 transitions. The theoretical ionization-excitation cross sections are found to exhibit reasonable agreement with the experimental values. The cascade contributions of the observed intensities of the three lines are estimated to be less than 5%.