The effect of assimilating ERS‐1 fast delivery wave data into the North Atlantic WAM model

The launch of the European ERS satellites has provided a new source of wave information that is particularly suitable for use in improving wave forecasts in the open ocean. We have implemented and tested a simple system for assimilating corrections to model wave fields produced by the WAM model, where the corrections are derived from inverted synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image spectra from ERS‐1. Corrections are applied to significant wave height, mean period and direction for wave modes that are detectable in both the model and the SAR data. The system has been tested in a storm situation and in moderate conditions using buoy data and altimeter data, as well as SAR observations for verification. Overall, it is demonstrated that the net effect of assimilating SAR data is beneficial but very small. The small impact is due at least partly to relatively small spatial and temporal coverage of the SAR wave mode data. Locally larger impacts were found in the storm situation in individual cases where SAR observations were collocated with independent buoy observations.