The relationship between wind and sea surface temperature anomalies in the mid‐latitude North Pacific Ocean

The relationships between monthly anomalies of sea surface temperature (SST) and monthly anomalies of several surface wind parameters are examined using ten years of data from the mid‐latitude North Pacific Ocean. The wind parameters involve both u3 * and curl τ, where u* is the atmospheric friction velocity and τ the surface stress. These quantities are calculated from surface wind components analysed on synoptic (6‐hourly) maps. In order to examine the effect of synoptic disturbances, the time series of surface wind components at each grid point is high‐pass filtered (passing periods less than 10 days) and the above wind parameters are calculated from both filtered and unfiltered wind components. Two statistically significant relationships are found between monthly anomalies of SST and those of the various wind parameters. The first is a large coherent negative correlation between monthly anomalies of u3 * calculated from the high‐pass filtered wind components and month‐to‐month changes in the SST anomalies in the Central Pacific. This relationship is attributed to the production of turbulent vertical mixing in the ocean by synoptic disturbances in the atmosphere. The second relationship is a large positive correlation between curl τ calculated from the unfiltered wind components and SST anomaly changes in the Eastern Pacific. This relationship, which is opposite to that expected from Ekman pumping, is attributed to a negative association between the wind stress curl and the meridional advection of heat by the eastern boundary current system. It is shown that these atmospheric forcing mechanisms explain up to 10 per cent of the variance of monthly SST anomalies in a large part of the mid‐latitude North Pacific Ocean. This amount is in addition to, but certainly less than, that which can be explained by anomalous horizontal advection through statistical relationships with sea‐level pressure anomalies (Davis, 1976).