ICAM-1 tissue overexpression associated with increased serum levels of its soluble form in Hodgkin's disease

Summary. We investigated ICAM‐1/CD54 tissue immunoreactivity and serum levels of its soluble form (sICAM‐1) in patients with Hodgkin's disease (HD) at diagnosis. ICAM‐1 was strongly expressed in involved tissues, and sICAM‐1 serum levels were higher in HD (79 patients) than in controls (P < 0 · 01), and in patients with more advanced or more active disease (stages III ± IV vI ± II: P= 0 · 002; stage ‘B’v‘A’: P v non‐‘bulky’: P= 0 · 042). We suggest that tissue ICAM‐1 overexpression leading to increase of circulating sICAM‐1 may interfere with the lymphocyte adhesion machinary thus contributing to the well‐known immune derangement of HD.