Gastric carcinoma combined with distant gastric ulcer

The cases of the gastric carcinoma combined with distant benign gastric ulcer were 90 of 1257, 7.1%, and the carcinomas were frequently found in the lesser curvature of the antrum and the combined gastric ulcers frequently in the lesser curvature and posterior wall of the corpus. Average age in the combined cases was 58.8 which was older about 7 years than that in the cases of the gastric ulcer. The cases, in which the ulceration in the gastric ulcer was same or deeper than that in the gastric carcinoma, occupied about 70% of these combined cases. It should be considered that the malignant transformation does not always occur in the preceding ulcerative lesion. However, the intestinal metaplasia was usually severe, and so the welldifferentiated carcinomas were twice frequent to the low-differentiated ones. The repeated regeneration of the epithelial cells associated with the erosive or ulcerative change may be of some relation to the carcinogenesis, because the intestinal metaplasia appears usually associated with the repeated defect and repair of the propria mucosae.