Viscous Lengths in Hydrodynamic Turbulence are Anomalous Scaling Functions

It is shown that the idea that scaling behavior in turbulence is limited by one outer length L and one inner length η is untenable. Every nth order correlation function of velocity differences Fn(R1,R2,) exhibits its own crossover length ηn to dissipative behavior as a function of R1. This depends on n and on the remaining separations R2,R3,. One result is that when separations are of the same order R, this scales as ηn(R)η(R/L)xn with xn=(ζnζn+1+ζ3ζ2)/(2ζ2), ζn the scaling exponent of the nth order structure function. We derive an infinite set of scaling relations that bridge the exponents of correlations of gradient fields to the exponents ζn, including the “bridge relation” for the scaling exponent of dissipation fluctuations μ=2ζ6.
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