Fluorescence of NO2 in the 2 2B2 state and its application to the optical–optical double resonance (OODR) study of the complex visible spectrum

The fluorescence of NO2 in the 2 2B2 state, which is located at 1.86 eV above the dissociation limit (D0=3.12 eV), has been observed for the first time. The fluorescence spectrum consists of two band systems, one in the ultraviolet and the other in the visible. The ultraviolet bands correspond to the 2 2B2X̃ 2A1 transition. By employing the 2 2B2 state as a final state, optical–optical double resonance spectroscopy through the complex visible absorption system of NO2 has been applied to assign the transition responsible for the visible fluorescence of NO2 2 2B2 and also to study the complex visible absorption spectrum of NO2. As a result, the visible emission bands have been assigned to the 2 2B2→1 2B2 transition. The vibrational analysis is partly reported in the range of 479–616 nm for the 1 2B2X̃ 2A1 electronic transition.