Mass spectrometry of lipids. II. Monoglycerides, their diacetyl derivatives and their trimethylsilyl ethers

The mass spectra of 1- and 2-monoglycerides, their diacetyl derivatives and their trimethylsilyl (TMS) ether derivatives were recorded at high (80 eV) and low (6–13 eV) voltages. The fatty acid components of these derivatives included the even-numbered saturated acids from capric to arachidic acid plus oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. Differences between isomeric 1- and 2-monoglycerides were not sufficient to provide a basis for the analysis of these isomers. Mass spectra of the monoglycerides were very similar to the corresponding methyl esters. Mass spectra of the diacetyl derivatives were qualitatively similar to triglycerides of long-chain fatty acids, but parent ions were not observed. The spectra of diacetyl derivatives may be used for distinguishing 1- and 2-monoglycerides, but the spectra of the TMS ethers are better in this regard. The latter derivatives have fragmentation patterns distinct for the 1- and 2-monoglyceride isomers, particularly at low electron voltages.