Photolysis of chloropentafluoroacetone (CF3COCF2Cl)

The photolysis of chloropentafluoroacetone with u.v. light of wavelength 3130 Å has been shown to involve a primary breakdown into carbon monoxide, CF3· and CF2Cl· radicals. An alternative mode of decomposition which becomes more important at shorter wavelengths involves the production of chlorine atoms and CF3COCF2 radicals. The interaction of these primary radicals produces two halogenated methanes, CF3Cl, CF2Cl2, three halogenated ethanes, C2F6, C2F5Cl, C2F4Cl2, three halogenated propanes, C3F8, C3F7Cl, C3F6Cl2, and octafluorobut-3-one. The rate constant for the combination of CF3· and CF2Cl· radicals has been calculated to be 1·6 × 1013 ml. mole–1 sec.–1.

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