The connection between the strong-coupling approximation to quantum chromodynamics and nuclear properties observed at low and medium energies and momentum transfer is examined. The strong-coupling approximation to quantum chromodynamics indicates that, for nuclei, the Pauli principle is obeyed at the hadronic level, so that quarks in different hadrons are treated as distinguishable objects. Furthermore, the gluonic effects of flux-tube rearrangement are small. Instead, a more significant strong-coupling approximation to quantum chromodynamics string-breaking term leads to meson emission from baryons. This mechanism is used to compute meson-nucleon and delta coupling constants and form factors. Qualitative agreement with experiment is achieved. Thus the strong-coupling approximation to quantum chromodynamics reproduces the salient features of the meson-baryon picture of low momentum transfer nuclear physics. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.39.1563 © 1989 The American Physical Society