API QuadFERM+ with rapid DNase for identification of Neisseria spp. and Branhamella catarrhalis

The QuadFERM+ system (Analytab Products, Plainview, N.Y.), a 2-h carbohydrate degradation method for the identification of Neisseria spp., was evaluated along with a rapid DNase test for confirmation of Branhamella catarrhalis. QuadFERM+ identified 100% of 82 N. gonorrhoeae and 96% of 54 N. meningitidis strains. The two misidentified meningococcal strains were biochemically atypical and were also misidentified by the conventional method. Of 26 N. lactamica strains, 25 (96%) were correctly identified. Of 21 Neisseria spp., 14 (67%) produced carbohydrate reactions in agreement with the conventional procedure, and 7 strains produced detectable acid in the QuadFERM+ from maltose and sucrose but not glucose. All 9 N. cinerea and 30 B. catarrhalis strains were asaccharolytic by QuadFERM+. The rapid DNase test was positive for all B. catarrhalis strains and negative for all other organisms. Two beta-lactamase-positive N. gonorrhoeae strains and 25 (93%) of 27 beta-lactamase-positive B. catarrhalis strains were detected by the 2-h acidometric beta-lactamase test on the strip. QuadFERM+ with rapid DNase is a simple and easily interpretable method for identification of these organisms in the clinical laboratory.