Effectiveness of the Ascomycin Macrolactam SDZ ASM 981 in the Topical Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis

ATOPIC DERMATITIS (AD) is one of the most common skin diseases, with a complex genetic background,1 a lifetime prevalence of up to 20%,2,3 and an increasing number of cases.4-6 Although there are other treatments (emollients, phototherapy, elimination of exacerbating factors, psychotherapy, and patient education), the number of medications for treating this chronic disease is limited: tar preparations, topical corticosteroids (low, medium, and high potency), antiseptics, antibiotics, cyclosporine, and antihistamines.7 Most treatments may be used only for a limited period or are less effective in the long term (tachyphylaxis8). The development of new compounds is mandatory for treatment of this persistent disease.