Combining weather prediction and remote sensing data for the calculation of evapotranspiration rates: application to Denmark

Evapotranspiration rates in Denmark were estimated using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite data and weather conditions predicted by a high-resolution weather forecast model (HIRLAM). The predictions were used both for atmospheric correction of satellite data and for remote sensing based calculation of net radiation, sensible heat fluxes and evapotranspiration rates. Climate predictions at 12 GMT were used as proxies for the atmospheric conditions at the time of the afternoon satellite passage (12.30–14.30 GMT). The air temperature at the time of the satellite passage was retrieved with a rms error of 1.9°C, and the rms error of the retrieved air humidity was 204 Pa. The evapotranspiration results were significantly influenced by the spatial distribution of weather conditions. Due to the encirclement of Denmark by sea shorelines, sea breezes extending more than 30 km inland were responsible for the intrusion of cooler air temperatures which increased the sensible heat fluxes and suppressed the evapotranspiration rates. The predictions were linearly related to eddy-covariance flux measurements representing agricultural land, beech forest and conifer forest, but the relationships were also characterized by a large degree of scattering. The results are discussed in relation to inaccuracies and future perspectives.