Flora Algale Dell'Isola Lachea (Golfo di Catania)

Observations on the seaweeds on the Island of Lachea. — Within the frame of the research on seaweeds in the Eastern part of Sicily which is being carried out at the Botanical Department of Catania University, the AA. have undertaken a study on the seaweeds to be found on the Island of Lachea. The material has been collected from the supralittoral to the infralittoral. One hundred and thirty-five species have been identified and data about the local distribution and habitat have been given. The following species are new to Sicily: Spatoglossum solierii (Chauv.) Kuetz., Bonnemaisonia asparagoides (Woodw.) Ag., Gelidiella ramellosa (Kuetz.) Feld. et Ham., Antithamnion cruciatum (C. Ag.) Naeg. var. profundum G. Feld., Antithamnion plumula var. bebbii (Reinsch) J. Feld., Ceramium bertholdi Funk, Ceramium codii (Richards) G. Maz., Spermothamnion repens (Dillw.) K. Ros. var. flagelliferum (De Not.) Feld., Griffithsia barbata (Smith) C. Ag., Polysiphonia biformis Zan., Lophocladia lallemandi (Mont.) Schmitz; and the following species are new to Eastern Sicily: Codium difforme Kuetz., Bryopsis penicillata Kuetz., Liebmannia leveillei J. Ag., Thuretella schousboei (Thur.) Schmitz, Dudresnaya verticillata Le Jol., Amphiroa cryptharthrodia Zan., Corallina squamata Ell. et Sol., Pseudolithophyllum expansum (Phil.) Lem., Ceramium rubrum var. implexo-contortum Solier, Ptilothamnion pluma (Dillw.) Thuret, Aglaothamnion neglectum G. Feld.

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