Preliminary studies show minimal conversion of wood by sulfur dioxide at pressures of 38 psi at room temperature. Evaluation studies of Rut-C-30 and Rut-L-5 Trichoderma viride strains were compared. Studies on the continuous production system by manipulating temperature, pH, Tween 80 level substrate concentration, and dilution rate were performed. The known major components of cellulases were characterized. Studies on the reduction of the cost of producing sugar from corn stover were performed. Development of medium for continuous ethanol fermentation is discussed. Experiments show that the growth limiting factors for continuous fermentation were in the yeast extract. Biotin, pantothenic acid, and pyridoxine appear to be growth limiting factors. Addition of other vitamins had no effect on cell yield but increased ethanol production. The flash ferm process is discussed. Utilization of hemicellulose sugars is described. (DC)

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