Chemical Effects of γ-irradiation of Aqueous Solutions of Chondroitin-4-sulphate

After γ-radiolysis of de-aerated aqueous solutions of sodium chondroitin 4-sulphate, acids (G=2·6) and reducing products (G=0·4) are readily produced. The yields of these products are approximately doubled when the irradiation is carried out in N2O-saturated solution. Depolymerization of the polymer is accompanied by a decrease in the ability of the polymer to bind to methylene blue and cetyl pyridinium chloride, and at a dose of 11 × 1018 eV ml−1 in argonsaturated solution, five low molecular weight products, the smallest of which approximates to a tetramer, are readily discernable. Analysis of the products indicates that the hexosamine moiety is more stable towards ionizing radiations than the hexuronic acid.