Photoluminescence and Electrical Properties of Undoped and Cl-Doped ZnSe

Undoped and Cl-doped ZnSe specimens were heat-treated in Zn or Se vapor, or in molten Zn, and the photoluminescence spectra and electron concentration of the specimens were measured. Several new emissions were observed in high-purity ZnSe with Cl concentration ([Cl]) lower than 1015 cm-3 while SA-emission band and a IDEEP 1 line were observed in ZnSe with [Cl]>1015 cm-3 heat-treated in molten Zn. The former was observed to increase with [Cl] and with the Zn vapor pressure, and the latter to increase with [Cl]. The electron concentration at room temperature was proportional to [Cl] for [Cl]17 cm-3. This paper proposes a model explaining these effects on the [Cl] dependence of the concentration of defects, ClSe donors, SA-centers (V ZnClSe) and V - Zn.