High-spin states inAt207

The properties of high-spin states in At207 have been studied with the Pb204(Li6,3n)At207 reaction. In-beam measurements with Ge(Li) and intrinsic Ge detectors of γγ coincidences, γ-ray angular distributions, pulsed-beam γ timing, and perturbed angular distributions with an applied magnetic field were made to determine a decay scheme, level energies, γ-ray multipolarities, spin-parity assignments, an isomeric lifetime, and a g factor. High-spin states up to 252 were identified as either proton excitations of the (N=126) At207 nucleus coupled to the Pb204 Z=82 ground state or neutron excitations of Pb204 coupled to the (πh92)392 ground state of At211. Lifetime and g-factor measurements of the 25/2+ 2117-keV isomer, which yielded values of τ=156(3) nsec and g=0.30(1), respectively, strongly support a |(πh92)392,(νf52)1(νi132)19;252+ configuration for this level.